How to Bleed Brakes

Are your brakes feeling spongy or not as responsive even though there is plenty of fluid and the pads aren’t worn? Then you might be interested in learning how to bleed brake lines. Even if there isn’t an immediate problem, bleeding brake lines from time to time can prevent water and debris from getting stuck in the lines, causing them to fail. Our service center wants to help you keep your car running safely on our Munster roads, so, we’ve composed the guide below on how to bleed brake lines by yourself. If you need any assistance, you can always schedule an appointment with our certified technicians!
How to Bleed Brakes by Yourself
Even though this section is called “How to bleed brakes by yourself”, there are certain steps below which will require the assistance of a friend or family member. Just follow these instructions on bleeding brake lines, and your car should be ready to safely resume your Schererville commute.
How to Bleed Brake Lines
- Check your owner’s manual for the correct type of brake fluid to use.
- Jack up your car on level ground and set it on jack stands.
- Remove all of the wheels.
- Locate the caliper bleeding screw near each wheel.
- Gently loosen the caliper bleeding screws, being careful not to snap or strip them.
- Tighten the screws back so that they are snug.
- Raise the hood, unscrew the top of the brake reservoir and set it aside. Fill the brake fluid to the correct level.
- Starting at the wheel farthest from the master cylinder, loosen the bleeding screw and tightly attach a piece of clear tubing over it.
- Place the other end of the tube in a catch pan or used plastic bottle. Hold the pan or bottle above the screw.
- Have an assistant pump the brakes until they feel solid pressure under the pedal–they should let you know when they feel this pressure. They should also stop pumping but continue pressing the pedal.
- Have the assistant alert you just before the pedal reaches the floor. Re-tighten the screw immediately.
- Check the brake fluid reservoir and add fluid if necessary.
- Repeat the last four steps at least five times at this wheel, then tighten the screw. Now, do the same at the other three wheels, one at a time.
- Watch the fluid in the reservoir while your assistant firmly presses the brake pedal all the way down, then abruptly lets up on it. If there is only a little movement in the fluid, there are no air bubbles and the brakes have been completely bled. If there is a lot of movement in the fluid, there are still air bubbles in the lines, and the brakes will need to be bled again
- Make sure again that all the bleeder screws have been tightened, but not over-tightened.